This one has a fun story.

I was at a bar on Bermondsey Street one evening with James. We got chatting to one of the guys that worked there. It came up that they were just about to replace the art on the walls with some street art for a themed Autumn decor set. I said I was really into painting, took his number, then painted this and handed it to him over the bar one day.

I went back recently and it’s nowhere to be seen, so I can only assume it’s been lost to a skip somewhere, but that’s okay - it made for a good story.

Here’s the original handwritten note I taped onto the back of it in a bid to seem even more arty at the time:

This was painted overlooking Limehouse marina as the sun went down - the reflections of the sunset creeping in reinforce how much London is a city that spans both day and night.

The greys hint at the various architectural feats that dwell in the city.

Whilst the immediate assumption regarding the blue is the summer sky, it is actually more of a tip of the cap towards how the Thames paradoxically divides the city, but also holds it together.

Orange for both the twinkling sunset, and the various intricate lights on the skyline once night appears.

All painted to the soundtrack of the XX's debut album on its 10 year anniversary - it felt appropriate to nod to another set of artists inspired by London.

Look closer.jpg